Imported Record

Imported Record

Your Importer of Record (IOR) should be as reliable as you are. Trust the worldwide experts at GSO Logistics to handle your precious cargo — wherever on earth it needs to be shipped.

It’s our job to make sure your imported merchandise complies with all customs and legal requirements. So, we act as the legal owner or purchaser of goods to secure the necessary permits and licenses to provide you with an effortless customs clearance.

Connect with an expert

GSO Logistics takes care of the details. Especially the tiny ones.

GSO Logistics network of local trading companies and partners takes responsibility of receiving the shipment, so your merchandise can navigate seamlessly through customs clearance and on to the final consignee. Here’s what we do for you:

  • Create reliable importing service around the globe
  • Deliver merchandise to your destination market
  • Manage business-critical inventory levels in country
  • Provide hassle-free customs clearance
  • Pay all duties and taxes necessary
  • Secure all licensing and authorizations required

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